Hi AE Families! Please check out our weekly newsletter linked here: https://www.canva.com/design/DAF9QqREVBE/1XD5NdROdKXC8l6NujB9BA/view?utm_content=DAF9QqREVBE&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=editor

Book Bingo was a hit! Thanks to all who came for the fun!!

SAFETiNET Session Spotlight-Join Jason Swan from the United States Secret Service as he presents facts about online risks, statistics, and other resources. The presentation will include tips for keeping children safer online. Register to join on 3/9 www.safetinet.org

Congratulations to the A-C Reading Renegades for earning a blue ribbon at IU13's Reading Olympics! Not only did they share their knowledge on texts read, but also worked to encourage and support one another. We're proud of you!!

What happens when you earn a reward in this 3rd grade class? You get a surprise visitor for quiet reading time!

FFA Week continues! Country or bling... which would you choose?

Kicked off celebrating FFA Week with an 80's day!

Congratulations to AE's 4th and 5th grade Reading Olympics teams! Our teams earned two blue ribbons at today's competition at IU13!!

SAFETiNET Session Spotlight-Google Family is a great tool that allows you to adjust the parameters of your child(ren)'s device. The application allows parents to restrict content, approve or disapprove apps, set screen times, and more. Register to join on 3/9 www.safetinet.org

Check out AE's Weekly newsletter by clicking the following link: https://www.canva.com/design/DAF8-Nl1tAk/cpOVphRTx7rXBixY6fUGoQ/view?utm_content=DAF8-Nl1tAk&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=editor

Had a blast celebrating our Red Ticket Winners with a pancake breakfast!!

Smiles all around during a positive phone call home for this Red Ticket Winner!!

Mrs. Fatjo and Mrs. Bahler engaged LVC education majors in the first Teacher Talk of the second semester. They shared about their teaching experience in special education!

Happy 100th Day of School!!

Mr. Hitz's students are working hard on their passion projects! Looking forward to their completion!

Mr. Hitz's students are working hard on their passion projects! Looking forward to their completion!

This morning we started Book Club for 3rd-4th Graders. We are reading book 2 in the Fenway series-- Fenway and the Evil Bunny Gang. Love when I can start my day reading with students!

Please check out AE's weekly newsletter! Included you'll find our student spotlight, information regarding virtual learning days, a sign-up link for book bingo with Mrs. Hoover, and much more!

Please clink on the link to access the February 2024 edition of the Social Worker’s Newsletter.

This week we concluded AC Reads 2024. Enjoy some of pictures from the last month as we read Fenway & Hattie.